Onset of summer sparks energy supply concern

There are mounting concerns on the reliability of Victoria’s energy supply system during the upcoming summer months.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said the uncertainty in electricity supply is leaving householders and businesses in the dark.

“The Andrews Labor Government’s inability to plan and safeguard Victoria’s electricity supply has seen customers charged a premium for a substandard and increasingly unreliable system,” said Ms Bath.

“The public deserve a high quality and reliable energy system, which is more than Labor is prepared to offer.

“Labor’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change, Lily D’Ambrosio uncompromising obsession with renewables has left Victoria’s electricity supply vulnerable.

“Labor has arrogantly failed to plan for the transition to renewables or undertake comprehensive and open negotiations with Latrobe Valley’s coal generators to secure supply.

“The Minister is ploughing on with her renewable fixation at any cost, even though Victoria’s grid infrastructure will not cope with the rapidly increasing onset of household solar installations.

“It is infuriating Labor think it is acceptable for Victoria to be plunged in state of chaos and blackouts.

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) in their August electricity statement indicate Victoria is the only state in the country likely to not meet set reliability standards for summer.

Ms Bath said the scene is frustratingly set for summer blackouts through involuntary load shedding, when electricity demand outstrips supply.

“During days of high temperature in Victoria, electricity supply is predicted to fail, said Ms Bath.

“Gippslanders will most likely bear the brunt of the Andrews Labor Government’s energy mismanagement.

“With load shedding the new reality in Victoria, the Andrews Labor Government must set their priorities on who loses supply.

“The lights must stay on in Gippsland as the community who works hard to generate supply.

“Our region also support major industry for the state and is home to huge number of primary producers, continuity of electricity supply in Gippsland is a priority.”

Ms Bath has sought assurance in State Parliament from Minister D’Ambrosio that there is adequate infrastructure investment and planning to guarantee that Victoria will not have to suffer with lights out this summer.  A response from the Minister remains pending.