Petition tabled – Calling for Inquiry into public land management in Victoria

The Petition of certain citizens of the State of Victoria draws to the attention of the Legislative Council the need to establish a Parliamentary inquiry into public land management. The inquiry should investigate:

(1) why the policy of changing public land into parks and reserves has failed to deliver the promised environmental improvement, economic benefits and social outcomes; and

(2) why several recommendations of the Bushfires Royal Commission and the Environment and Natural Resources Committee. Inquiry into Public Land Management Practices on Bushfires in Victoria have not been implemented, especially those that relate to the lack of adequate fuel reduction burning; and

(3) the effects of current public land management policies on the extent and severity of bushfires, on the environment and adjoining private property.


The Committee should make recommendations to the Government, which should include the:

(1) establishment of a new public land advisory body to replace the narrow focus of the Victorian Environmental Assessment Council. The new advisory body would include representation of recreational and commercial users of public land and the Country Fire Authority and

(2) the creation of a modern management system that allows for recreational and resource use of public land whilst maintaining environmental safeguards. The petitioners therefore request that the Legislative Council establish an inquiry into public land management and provide recommendations to the Government in a final report.

By Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria)