A $10 Billion dollar road plan to get you home safely

A major roads announcement has seen The Nationals and Liberals pledge $10 billion to roads maintenance.

The announcement made in Latrobe Valley by Shadow Minister for Roads and Member for Gippsland South, Danny O’Brien will result in $1 billion a year for 10 years towards fixing the woeful state of roads in Victoria.

Speaking in Yallourn North, Mr O’Brien said after a decade of neglect by the Andrews Government, our roads have deteriorated to an unacceptable standard.

“Road safety has been relegated to the go-slow lane under Daniel Andrews.

“Regional roads are in a terrible state and compromise driver safety – pot holes, cracked surfaces, cheap repairs that don’t last and unsealed road shoulders are just some of the issues.

“The Nationals are committed to making our regional roads safer and turning the neglect of the Andrews Government around.

“$10 billion dollars is an enormous investment, but it’s what needed to address road safety and deliver all Victorians the roads they deserve.

“While Labor reduces speed limits on bad roads, The Nationals will actually tackle the problem.”

One of the first roads to be identified for upgrade is the C103 arterial stretching from Glengarry West Road through to Brown Coal Mine Road in Yallourn North.  The road takes in the rural townships of Glengarry, Glengarry West, Tyers and Yallourn North.

The Nationals candidate for Morwell, Martin Cameron welcomed the announcement and said this road has tragically been the scene of many serious car accidents, including a fatality.

“The neglect on our regional roads around Latrobe Valley has been one of the issues the community continues to raise with me, in particular Brown Coal Mine Road and Glengarry West Road which has multiple safety issues.

“The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath has been advocating for this upgrade for a long time on behalf of the community – it’s wonderful that it’s going to be fixed.

“Many in my community are tired of the neglect across our regional roads network, especially when they see billions of dollars being wasted in Melbourne on mismanaged projects and cost blow outs.

“Hot mix in a hole does not equate to road maintenance, so I am confident our road announcement will be very well received locally.”

Ms Bath thanked Latrobe Valley residents for raising their concerns with her, saying she was thrilled The Nationals have backed local road safety.

As part of The Nationals roads package, Mr O’Brien said in government The Nationals would conduct an audit of all state-managed roads and publish a condition report.

“Safe roads save lives. Cutting our roads maintenance budget has never made sense, even less sense when you stand on a stretch like Brown Coal Mine Road which is clearly in a state of disrepair.”