Volunteers are the heart and soul of our community

Whether it’s delivering emergency services, improving the welfare of others, fundraising, coaching, providing social support or caring for our environment, our volunteers are the heart and soul of community.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath said each and every day volunteers in our community quietly and selflessly go about their role, positively making a difference each and every day.

“Our volunteers can often be found caring for vulnerable people – young people, families or the aged”, said Ms Bath.

“Throughout my time as a State MP and Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Volunteers I’ve had the privilege of meeting many wonderful volunteers.

“Warm, caring, kind, empathetic individuals who help keep us safe, respond to our call for help in an emergency, provide food, emotional support or teach new skills.

“Importantly our volunteers keep us connected – they are the backbone of community sharing knowledge, strength, and support.

“National Volunteers Week is a time where we say thank you and publicly recognise volunteers who often fly under the radar.

“The contribution of volunteerism goes well beyond helping people.

“They make us all happier, healthier, and more connected and their combined economic contribution of volunteering is nothing short of outstanding.

The State of Volunteering” tells us in 2019 our hardworking volunteers contributed an incredible $58.1 billion worth of benefits across Victoria.

“Volunteers most often perform tasks at their own expense – in 2019 it was reported collectively they spent $3.9 billion supporting their own volunteering endeavours.

“During National Volunteers Week 2023, I applaud the positive difference all volunteers make to all our lives and the ongoing enrichment they deliver to our community.”