Members Statement Gippsland Storms

MELINA BATH (Eastern Victoria) (13:37): I rise to pay homage to the people of Gippsland and in particular the good folk of Mirboo North, Darlimurla, Boolarra and Thorpdale, who experienced a wrecking ball of a storm on the 13th of this month. Two days prior there were 20,000 people at the Italian festa enjoying all things Italian with the beautiful Italian community that we have. Two days later homes were smashed with large trees, and community infrastructure and sporting infrastructure. The community just rallied like country communities do with both spontaneous and coordinated volunteers. We know the CFA, the SES and the school community rallied with brooms and shovels. The pool was decimated, and we are really sorry about that. We know that all people will pool together to make sure that it is open for next year.

I want to congratulate our business community for keeping opening their doors and providing food where needed. The South Gippsland shire have been great, the local RSL is coordinating volunteers and the churches are open. I really call on the government to expedite this clean-up process as soon as possible, because we have roofs off homes and we have a dangerous situation with that timber lying around. I pay homage to that community.