Gippsland first responders honoured in parliament for IWD 2025

International Women’s Day 2025 (IWD) was celebrated at state parliament with a special event to honour our female first responders for their exemplary community leadership and service.

IWD 2025 is a global celebration held annually to celebrate the achievement of women in our communities.  It will be formally celebrated on Saturday 8 March 2025.

CFA volunteers Bec Closter (Erica and District Fire Brigade) and Vicky Clarke (Noojee Fire Brigade) were the special guests of The Nationals’ Melina Bath and Member for Narracan, Wayne Farnham.

The celebratory event was held in Queens Hall at the Victoria State Parliament and brought together 200 women first responders who work or volunteer in emergency services.

Ms Bath said Bec and Vicky are exemplary Gippsland CFA volunteers who give so much to their communities.

“Their dedication to helping others and supporting people during emergencies is genuinely appreciated, and perform their roles with grace, professionalism and enthusiasm.

“Women first responders offer unique skills and a different perspective in the emergency management field which helps build resilience during times of crisis.

“Living in our mountain communities, Bec and Vicky have attended bushfires, house fires, road crashes and emergency medical responses, I sincerely thank them and all our first responders for their service to Gippsland.”