Daniel Andrews’ closure of Hazelwood Power Station threatens to cause blackouts in Latrobe Valley this summer, Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath says.
As the first summer without Hazelwood approaches, experts predict Victoria will not be able to generate enough baseload energy to keep the lights on during the peak summer period.
“Daniel Andrews’ ideological warfare over energy has already seen the average Victorian family’s annual power bill jump by $300,” Ms Bath said.
“Average wholesale prices have risen 300 per cent in the last six months and many regional businesses are facing staff cuts or even closure because energy costs have become unsustainable.”
The Andrews Labor Government’s only plan for energy is to hire consultants and ‘mentors’ for businesses, choose go-it-alone renewable energy targets, and bring in a $252 coal tax which drives generators out of business.
But none of these policies will increase baseload power or make energy more affordable.
“Experts say that these policies will cause black-outs and skyrocketing electricity prices,” Ms Bath said.
“Why should Daniel Andrews lead our state if he can’t even keep the lights on?”