The Nationals, Melina Bath has demanded answers as to why Labor cruelly cut San Remo Primary School’s promised funding from the May state budget.
Ms Bath said San Remo Primary School students, teachers, parents and administrators deserved a fit for purpose modern educational facility.
“Labor pulling promised funding has understandably blindsided the school community and thrown it’s upgrade plans into chaos.
“The school was promised a $5.3 million upgrade during the 2022 election campaign, but frustratingly it’s become collateral damage of an incompetent Labor government which can’t manage money.
“The original school buildings are 140 years old, growing more decrepit as the days go by – students and teachers are accommodated in substandard portable classrooms.
“Despite the school being a shovel ready project with a master plan, architectural designs and being ready for tender – the Allan Government reneged on its commitment.
“I’m appalled Labor prioritised funding $4.1 million for a football scoreboard at Kardinia Park and not a primary school in San Remo with evident needs.”
Ms Bath recently met with School Council President Josh Thomson and has offered ongoing advocacy.
“I understand the school community’s significant disappointment – its meticulously planned construction timeframes have been thrown into turmoil.
“There is also an impact on the school maintenance budget, with the School Council compelled to spend money on dilapidated infrastructure that will still need to be replaced.
“The government’s failed commitment will see construction blow out to 2026 or beyond.
“The School Council has legitimate concerns that rapidly rising building and construction costs will also impact its ability to deliver the upgrade.
“It should not have to make any concessions on its plans to deliver a new library, classrooms, an administration hub and shared education spaces.
“I am calling on Labor to find the funds and allow the school to proceed with its upgrade immediately.
“San Remo Primary School’s omission from the state budget is evidence Labor can’t manage education and it can’t manage money.”