Bath encourages groups to apply for Landcare Grants

Shadow Assistant Minister for Public Land and The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region is encouraging Landcare volunteers to consider applying for funding under the latest round of Victorian Landcare Grants.

Ms Bath said growing up on a farm and a being a lifelong Gippsland resident, I understand the importance of Landcare to our natural environment.

“Landcare is a fabulous community program which focuses on sustainable agricultural, undertaking work to protect and restore Victoria’s public and private land,” said Ms Bath.

Environmental volunteer groups can apply for project grants of up to $20,000 for on-ground works, education and capacity building projects that help to improve Victoria’s environment for future generations.

Support grants of $500 are also available for new and existing groups and networks to assist with operating costs and provide a stable base for Landcare and environmental volunteering across Victoria.

A total of $1.75 million in grants will be delivered through Victoria’s 10 catchment management authorities.

“Latrobe City is home to many hard working and dedicated environmental volunteer groups,” Ms Bath said.

“The Victorian Landcare Grants provide a great opportunity for these volunteer groups to obtain project grants to help them continue their fabulous work.

“I encourage all our fantastic hardworking volunteers to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for these grants.”

Applications close 5pm Wednesday 12 June 2019.

For more information on the grants contact your local CMA, Regional Landcare Coordinator or visit