Bath seeks primary care partnership funding assurance

The Andrews Labor Government has taken the scalpel to Gippsland’s four Primary Care Partnership’s (PCP) as Labor’s health funding cuts continue to be exposed.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath has sought confirmation from the Labor’s Health Minister Jenny Mikakos in State Parliament on the current and planned funding for all of Eastern Victoria PCP’s.

“There are serious concerns mounting about the future of the partnerships under Labor after the Minister said they were not her priority,” said Ms Bath.

“When questioned in State Parliament the Minister confirmed that funding for all of Victoria’s 28 Primary Care Partnerships has shockingly been abolished.

“Our PCP’s play an important role in keeping our communities healthy.

“They focus on better health and social outcomes through preventative healthcare, Aboriginal health, family violence and care of people living with chronic disease.”

The chair of the state wide network of PCPs Kevin Feeney has also called upon the Andrews Labor Government ‘to commit to continuing Primary Care Partnerships’ modest funding for the benefit of all Victorians.

“The Andrews Labor Government is once again neglecting regional communities by failing to fund the important work delivered by our PCP’s.”

PCP’s for Eastern Victoria include Central West, Wellington, East Gippsland, South Coast, Frankston Mornington and South East PCP’s.

Ms Bath said Labor are leaving many important ongoing community programs at a standstill.

“If these partnerships are not funded, not only will we will lose important health programs already in place, but health prevention work will be less strategic and integrated in the regions,” Ms Bath said.

“In addition to the health capacity building community programs under threat, I am very concerned about local people employed by these vital services.

“Health prevention is often the first step to tackling a community’s serious health challenges, yet Daniel Andrews has decided to cut funding to this crucial area of need.

“Our PCP’s have played an important role in the state’s health network for two decades, yet the Ministers’ admission and her cuts are another example of Labor’s inability to manage money.

“These vital health services are important to our communities and we need to make it clear we won’t stand for funding cuts to our primary care partnerships.

“If you currently use any of these services and are concerned about these funding cuts from Labor, I want to hear from you.  Call or email my office on (03) 5174 7066 or email”