The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath is encouraging Gippslanders to look after their mental health as we combat the spread of COVID-19 together.
Ms Bath said there are actions we can adopt to support our own wellbeing, as the community takes extreme measures to stop the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.
“If you are worried about coronavirus and how it is affecting your life or people you love, you’re not alone,” Ms Bath said.
“It is difficult time for everyone, especially when media and social media are saturated with stories and updates on coronavirus.
“With new daily routines being established it is equally important to look after our physical and mental health during isolation.
“It is also important to time to check in with loved ones and neighbours.”
Ms Bath said the Premier’s backflip banning adult couples in relationships from seeing each other who live in separate homes was needed.
“The couple ban was implausible and has caused unnecessary anxiety as Gippslander’s grappled with how they were going to cope.
“The State of Emergency restrictions should be focused on safety and applied sensibly.”
Ms Bath said it’s important for Gippslander’s to nurture their mental health during this time.
“We feel we are living in a parallel universe, and this environment can lead to feelings of anxiety and concern,” said Ms Bath.
“Make sure you get regular fresh air, exercise as appropriate and keep in touch with family and friends over the phone.
“Home isolation doesn’t mean you cannot go outside. I encourage people to utilise their backyard creatively and/or factor in an actively such as a daily walk around the block.
“While we can’t physically see our friends and extended family, it’s important to stay connected, whether that’s with a phone or video call.”
Ms Bath congratulated Gippslanders who are actively complying with the social isolation rules.
“The streets of our Gippsland towns have become quiet, with pedestrians and cars few and far between”, said Ms Bath.
“As a community, we are all in this together and I say thank you to Gippslanders who have bunkered down to protect themselves and our wider community.”
Beyond Blue has useful tips on how to look after your mental health during this time of self-isolation to stop the spread of COVID-19. These tips include:
- Trying to maintain perspective
- Finding a healthy balance in relation to media coverage and social media use
- Accessing good quality information
- Trying to maintain a practical and calm approach
More resources and tips can be found at
More advice can be found at Head to Health at
Those who need immediate support can call Lifeline on 13 11 14.