Community Cricket grants now open

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath is encouraging local cricket clubs to consider submitting applications to the 2022 Community Cricket Program, with up to $100,000 available to clubs looking to upgrade their facilities or purchase new equipment.

The $13.5 million Community Cricket Program provides a range of grant opportunities for community clubs and councils to develop or redevelop local cricket infrastructure, from training nets through to female friendly and accessible change rooms.

Sport and Recreation Victoria will provide matching funding of $2 for every $1 provided by the successful club in rural Victoria.

More information about the program can be found at

Applications close on 11 April 2022, with applications assessed during May/June and successful projects announced from late June.

“Clubs do a great job in raising funds to put back into their facilities through sponsorships, donations and raffles, but these current funding opportunities could be game-changers and significantly benefit and support cricketers and volunteers in our region,” Ms Bath said.

“I encourage all local cricket clubs to consider lodging an application.”