Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:52): (374) My question is to the Minister for Police. Constituents are justifiably concerned that the Andrews government is looking to close 11 one-officer police stations located in my Eastern Victoria electorate. The towns of Boolarra, Briagolong, Bruthen, Lang Lang, Loch Sport, Loch, Meeniyan, Mirboo North, Rawson, Stratford and Swifts Creek could all be affected by this flawed policy. The constituents worry that their safety is not a priority for the Andrews government. Our local towns need more Victoria Police staff, not less. We know that our one-officer police are trusted figures in our communities. They proactively maintain safety, they are embedded in their community, they often act as dispute resolution counsellors and they have on-the-ground knowledge. The question I ask of the minister is: will you guarantee you will not close any one-officer police station in Eastern Victoria Region?