Daniel Andrews fails to answer questions on LVA

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath has called on Premier Daniel Andrews to directly answer questions regarding the work location of all Latrobe Valley Authority (LVA) employees after the government advertised an LVA job based in Melbourne.

Last month Ms Bath asked the Andrews Labor Government in Parliament how many of the LVA’s staff are located in the Latrobe Valley and how many are located in Melbourne.  The Premier’s response was evasive, stating the LVA has 33.9 full time equivalent staff and it is “primarily” run by a team located in the Latrobe Valley.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet is currently advertising the job of Principal Policy Adviser within the Latrobe Valley Authority, based in Melbourne.

“Why is Daniel Andrews advertising roles for the LVA to be based in Melbourne, when he hasn’t even answered my original question correctly?” Ms Bath said.

“Here is a direct example of city centric Labor not caring or respecting the people of Latrobe Valley and regional Victoria.  Jobs that develop policy for a community should be situated within it.  How can city-based individuals and the Daniel Andrews’ bureaucracy possibly understand, be in touch and provide the right advice regarding the Latrobe Valley’s future if they do not live and work among us?”

Ms Sheridan Bond, The Nationals candidate for Morwell said Daniel Andrews is personally responsible for the administration of the LVA through the Department of Premier and Cabinet.

“The Premier’s inability to specify the employment location of LVA staff lacks transparency and highlights Daniel Andrews’ city-focussed government.  It shows a complete lack of care and respect for the people of Latrobe Valley who desperately require employment and business development opportunities.

“How can Gippslanders trust Daniel Andrews and his Labor Government when he won’t commit to employing Latrobe Valley locals to make important decisions regarding the direction and policy development of our region?” said Ms Bond.

“Daniel Andrews won’t tell us how many LVA staff are working out of Melbourne”. This is in direct conflict with the authority’s objectives to transition and manage the economic direction of the region and provide support services and assistance to workers and businesses.  Frankly it is not good enough”, concluded Ms Bath.