Dan’s dirty diesel disaster

The Nationals member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath has called on the Andrews Labor Government to come clean with Latrobe Valley residents and all Victorians about plans to locate 105 diesel generators in Morwell to help ensure adequate power supply to the state this summer.

Speaking in parliament on Wednesday, Ms Bath called on the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio to provide information on what is being planned, given that nine months ago the minister had denied there would be any need for diesel generators.

The Andrews Labor Government has announced that 105 diesel generators will be installed at the former Energy Brix site in Morwell to assist in securing Victoria’s energy supply, following the closure of Hazelwood power station earlier in the year.

This is despite the Andrews Government ruling out the need for diesel generators out at the time of the Hazelwood closure.

Addressing the minister in parliament, Ms Bath reminded her of what had been said earlier this year:

“On 22 March this year the minister categorically stated ‘we’re not considering any diesel back-up because we are building the generation and storage necessary to protect Victorian consumers’,” Ms Bath said.

“Despite this, we have had the Australian Energy Market Operator predicting that there will be 72 potential days of shortfall of electricity and therefore the Andrews Labor Government has had to sandbag Victoria’s basic energy security.”

Speaking today, Ms Bath called on the Andrews Government to come clean with Latrobe Valley residents who now will play host to one of the largest diesel generator farms in the country.

“Planning Minister Richard Wynne has used his powers to completely bypass the Latrobe City Council’s planning regime to impose this on the Latrobe Valley. Is this because he knows that it would fail environmental standards?”

“Once again, people in a regional area will bear the burden of yet more incompetence from Labor.”

“People have genuine concerns about this. When are the generators being installed? What hours will they operate, and how much noise and other pollution can we expect?”