Farm Crime

Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (13:02): (70) My question is to the Minister for Police. The loss of farm equipment and livestock is highly frustrating for farmers, in both a financial and a personal safety sense. Recent crime statistics show that over 2000 crimes were committed on farm in 2022. Sixty per cent of these were the theft of firearms, machinery or livestock. Farm crime liaison officers are under the pump. One Gippsland farmer has contacted me today raising the issue that with a lack of police personnel in certain regions, farmers are actually considering taking matters into their own hands. While he and I agree that this is not an appropriate course of action, it highlights the frustration and concern that farmers have for their machinery, livestock and firearms in certain areas. Minister, will you bolster the resources to ensure that there are an adequate number of farm crime liaison officers to deter and catch on-farm criminals?