Fisheries fiasco a backwards step

The Nationals’ Melina Bath has sought answers from the Allan Government on its plan to slash the number of Fisheries Officer positions by 27 to just nine across Western Port and Port Phillip Bay.
In parliament Ms Bath called on the Minister for Outdoor Recreation, Hon Steve Dimopoulos to outline how he intends to regulate fishing compliance after the Victorian Fisheries Authority was ordered to make budget cuts.
“Western Port locals expressed valid concerns about the future of recreational and commercial compliance and the sustainability of fishing grounds.
“There is a sentiment that strong compliance and fishing enforcement officers go hand in hand.
“People are genuinely shocked that the Allan Government is cutting local jobs and selling off fisheries’ boats.”
Ms Bath said the decision was budget driven with Labor scrambling to save money due to soaring state debt.
“This week the Auditor General’s latest report showed a further $15 billion cost blow out in Victoria’s poorly managed finances.
“The economic and social prosperity of our coastal communities in eastern Victoria is linked to the effective regulation of our beautiful marine ecosystems.
“No one in my electorate wants to see our recreation and commercial fishing industries negatively impacted through a lack of responsible fishing management.
“Labor’s budget cuts to fisheries enforcement must not lead to an increase in illegal poaching.
“Labor can’t manage money, can’t manage fisheries compliance and Victorians are paying the price.”