Gippsland police walk out, condemning Labor for letting them down

Local police members today walked off the job in protest at the Allan Labor Government’s mishandling of their protracted pay dispute and under resourcing.

Members were supported by The Nationals’ Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath and The Police Association of Victoria.

The Nationals’ condemned Premier Jacinta Allan for her failure after almost two years to reach a fair deal that addresses overtime and excessive workloads.

Mr Cameron said the Allan Labor Government had let down the police force, leaving officers feeling undervalued at a time when their service has never been more critical.

“Hardworking police officers are being treated as second class first responders, disrespected by Labor.

“Each day they go to work knowing they have to perform a significant amount of unpaid work to help keep our community safe – it’s a blight on the government’s record that there is well over 1000 job vacancies and 700 officers out on sick leave statewide.”

The action that occurred in Traralgon is one of the many occurring across the state in protest against the Allan Labor Government.

Ms Bath said police members want to be tackling crime, not locked in an arm wrestle with the Premier.

“Victoria Police deserve to be properly resourced with fairer working conditions and remuneration, instead Premier Jacinta Allan is happy to see them overworked and under paid.

“Our police put their lives on the line to help keep us safe – it’s outrageous the Allan Labor Government will not sit down and sort out this mess.

“Martin Cameron and I, stand with our local police officers who are the real heroes of our community, they deserve gratitude and respect for their service.

“The Victorian Nationals are calling for an immediate resolution to the police pay dispute and a greater prioritisation of public safety in the face of worsening crime.”