Helping kids get active with local sports vouchers

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath is encouraging local families and sporting organisations to make the most of the latest round of the Get Active Kids Voucher Program.

Under the program, eligible families can apply for vouchers of up to $200 per child to cover registration costs and membership fees across a variety of sports and activities.

“This program helps support children and families with the cost of participating and playing sport in their local area,” Ms Bath said.

“This program can help remove some of the barriers preventing our children from playing sport or exercising. The more accessible we can make these activities, the better,” Ms Bath said.

“Having raised two boys who loved playing soccer I understand the financial pressure on families as costs quickly add up at the start of each season with costs including uniforms, registrations, footwear, and travel – this grant scheme can help alleviate some of the costs.

“Community sport is a great way for families to connect and encourage our children to be healthy and active.

“Getting involved in sport has positive benefits which enhances physical health, mental wellbeing, skill development, social interaction and inclusivity leading to lifelong health benefits and a sense of belonging.

“Children also learn valuable life skills like how to be part of a team and to always do your best regardless of the results.

“Each voucher can be used to pay for memberships, registration fees, uniforms, and equipment across a wide range of sporting codes and recreation activities.”

For voucher recipients to be eligible, they must be aged 18 and under, a Victorian resident, named on a valid Commonwealth Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and named on a valid Medicare Card at the time of application.

Applications will close once the allocation has been exhausted. Vouchers can be used up to April 30, 2024.

For more information about the program and to apply, visit