Inspire Grants available to assist disadvantaged children

A new grant program supporting small charities to make a significant impact on the lives of disadvantaged Australian children has recently opened.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath said the grant opportunity presented by the St George Foundation provides up to $200,000 per year for three years.

“Called the ‘Inspire Grant’, its purpose is to support innovative interventions that will change the course of a child’s life through access to education,” said Ms Bath.

“It is incredibly important that all children in our community are provided with opportunity to reach their full potential.

“It is well documented that educational outcomes for children living in regional and rural communities is not as high as children living in the city.

“It is not uncommon for regional and rural children to experience physical, social and economic disadvantage.

“Grants such as these assist hard working not for profit agencies supporting children implement innovative programs positively contributing to and improving educational outcomes and opportunity for regional children.”

Projects considered by Inspire Grants will ideally be national in scope or have the potential to be applied and scaled across other areas of Australia.

Ms Bath said there are many not for profit agencies in Gippsland supporting children who would welcome funding to commence a pilot program or an innovative project to assists young people.

“This funding opportunity is focussed on improving the lives of children through positive intervention and I encourage Gippsland organisations to consider applying,” said Ms Bath.

To be eligible to apply, organisations must hold DGR (deductible gift recipient) status with the Australian Tax Office and have a project or program design idea that meets the grant criteria.

Further information regarding Inspire Grants can be found at

Grant applications close 1 March 2020.