It’s back to work for Bath

The Victorian Electoral Commission has now officially declared the results for the Legislative Council of State Parliament.

It is an honour to be re-elected to as The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region and continue my work raising the issues that are important to my constituents.

Now more than ever the voice of regional Victorians deserves to be heard in Spring Street and I am pleased to welcome a new Nationals MP Gaelle Broad into the upper house to make a valuable contribution to her electorate of Northern Victoria Region.

Now more than ever we need to stand up for our fair share of infrastructure and roads maintenance, adequate education, and health services in regional Victoria. We need to create sustainable jobs and industries, better manage our public land and continue to respect for our way of life.

While the State of Victoria has returned Labor for another four years, regional Victorians have sent a strong message to the Andrews Government – ‘Listen to us!’

The Nationals will unapologetically continue to place the interests of country Victorians first.

With purity of purpose, focussing solely on rural and regional Victoria, three new Nationals MPs have been elected to the Lower House and I warmly welcome Martin Cameron to the seat of Morwell and congratulate my current colleagues, Danny O’Brien, and Tim Bull for retaining the seats of Gippsland South and Gippsland East.

Together we are committed to working hard for our respective communities and functioning as a united team to advocate for the lives and livelihoods of all Gippslanders.

In the 60th Parliament of Victoria, Labor’s numbers have been reduced to fifteen MPs in the Legislative Council. The Greens picked up three seats and a new party, Legalise Cannabis Victoria two.

Labor will need to negotiate with the Greens and Independents to pass controversial legislation. This may not bode well for country Victorians.

Positive outcomes can be achieved from opposition, and I look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with all members of parliament and local agencies to support the betterment of Gippslanders, our landscape and our future.

Sincere thanks and gratitude for your ongoing trust and support as I undertake this role in earnest.