Labor’s staggering contractors and consultants bill

The new figures released this week by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO) show spending on contractors and consultants by the public service increased by a staggering 47 per cent between 2018-19 and 2021-22.

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath has tabled a Motion for debate in State Parliament after VAGO reported the Labor Government alone spent over half a billion consultants.

Ms Bath said Labor’s eye watering spending is an insult to everyday hardworking Victorians who continue to struggle with the rising cost of living.

“In 2018 Labor committed to reducing departmental spending on contractors and consultants, but it has failed to keep its promise.

“Labor has slugged Victorians 53 new or increased taxes, making us the higher taxed state in Australia.

“The ongoing financial mismanagement and waste by the Allan Labor Government on city based infrastructure project is mind boggling.

“Meanwhile regional Victorians continue being handed a dud deal by a Labor Government which cannot look past the tram tracks.

“Our regional roads are falling apart, our health system’s struggling, families are struggling to make ends meet, there is a housing crisis and community groups are being denied funding to build vital infrastructure.

Ms Bath said the VAGO report also found a lack of transparency, rigor and reliability of published information stating, “some departments do not publish all the information they should”.

“On top of this dramatic increase in consultants, the public sector employee numbers have also ballooned.

“It is completely unacceptable to be splashing cash on more external consultants, what are departmental staff used for?

“The Premier’s appalling track record shows she can’t manage projects, can’t manage money, and can’t stop increasing taxes and charges.”