Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund – Cafe Evviva

Ms BATH (Eastern Victoria) (12:18): (1324) My constituency question is for the Minister for Small Business. The Cafe Evviva owner is totally frustrated with his dealings with Business Victoria through your government for his supporting government grants. Now, last year he qualified for the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund; he was eligible for the grant. But this year, because of an administrative error, he is now not. Nothing has changed in his business. It is normally busy but is absolutely shut due to COVID lockdown. Each time he calls Business Victoria, Joe Tripodi is informed that they can see the cafe’s application; they can see it, but they cannot understand why it has been assessed incorrectly or—and here is the clincher—help to rectify and provide those payments. He has wasted hours upon hours in doing this, and it is hugely stressful. So I ask the minister: what will you do to ensure that Business Victoria rectifies this error and gives Joe Tripodi his definite funds that he needs and deserves?