The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region, Melina Bath is encouraging local sports clubs to apply for a share in State Government funding through the 2023-2024 Sporting Club Grants Program.
Ms Bath said the grants of up to $4,000 across four categories are available to assist clubs with projects commencing from 13 October 2023.
“These grants can be used for a number of purposes including purchase of uniforms and equipment, attract and build skill base within the community organisation and increase inclusiveness and diversity,” Ms Bath said.
“A noteworthy change has been made to the program guidelines this year which also allows grant applications for funding for athlete travel, something that many regional participates often struggle with.
“I’m encouraging all our local clubs to submit an application in to receive a fair share of this funding.”
The four available funding categories include:
- Up to $1,000 is available for unforms, equipment and resources that improve accessibility and engagement
- Up to $2,000 for projects to strengthen volunteering and officiating
- Up to $4,000 to deliver a new sport or recreation program
- Up to $750 to support athlete travel
Ms Bath said our grass roots sporting clubs are the backbone of our regional communities – they are great way to connect, stay active and enhance wellbeing.
“It’s important for clubs to have access to funding support to encourage participation not only for athletes, coaches and volunteers who help administer officiate and administer competitions.
“I am more than happy to provide a letter of support for our local clubs wanting to apply for a grant and arrange a visit to discuss the clubs’ specific support needs.
“It’s my objective to see a significant proportion of the funding distributed across eastern Victoria.”
Sporting clubs wanting to arrange a letter of support for their application can contact Ms Bath’s office on 5174 7066 or at
For more information about the Sporting Club Grants Program or to apply, visit:
Applications for round one of the Sporting Club Grants Program close 4pm, Thursday 12 October 2023 with outcomes announced in December 2023.