Melina Bath encourages support of Cancer Council Daffodil Day

The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath is encouraging Gippslanders to support Daffodil Day on Friday 23rd August by purchasing daffodil merchandise from their local stall.

Ms Bath said the Daffodil Day appeal is an iconic fundraising initiative by the Australian Cancer Council which provides hope to many people while working to save valuable lives in our communities.

“The Cancer Council are always working hard in each of our Gippsland towns to sell Daffodil Day merchandise and raise vital funds which in turn supports cancer research, prevention programs and support services,” Ms Bath said.

“It’s a frightening statistic that one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer, it’s important to support Daffodil Day so that funds can be used to reduce the impact of cancer in Australia and give hope to those who have been diagnosed.”

Daffodil Day is a special fundraising day dedicated to giving hope for a brighter, cancer free future.

Ms Bath said having lost her beloved father 26 years ago to Lymphoma there are special occasions and dates that bring back poignant memories, Daffodil Day is one of these as I am sure it is for many of my Gippsland constituents.

“I encourage all Gippslanders to attend their local Daffodil Day stall, purchase merchandise or make a donation to this worthwhile charity,” Ms Bath said.

“I hope residents are able to support the much loved Daffodil Day and the important work undertaken by Cancer Council volunteers who work hard raising funds to help fight cancer.”

Gippsland Daffodil Day Cancer Council volunteers are out and about today and tomorrow selling merchandise and collecting donations to support vital cancer research at pop up stalls.

For more information or to donate visit or phone 1300 65 65 85.