Men’s Shed grant applications closing soon!

The Nationals’ Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath is encouraging Men’s Sheds to apply for the latest round of state government grants from the 2024 Men’s Shed Funding Program.

“Grants of up to $100,000 are now available to help build, extend or refurbish an existing shed or purchase of major equipment”, Ms Bath said.

“Across Victoria we have over 325 fabulous Men’s Sheds across Victoria, each supporting their members and communities.

“Each shed plays an important role in enhancing social connection, leadership and building community capacity and learning new skills.”

Ms Bath said she was delighted to see Morwell, Newborough Leongatha, Bunyip and District, Venus Bay Tarwin Lower, Cranbourne Casey and Badger Creek and District Men’s Shed benefit from these grants in the 2023-2024 financial year.

“Men’s Sheds are one of our most powerful tools in supporting the connection and wellbeing of men in our local communities.

“When visiting sheds across the region I regularly hear stories of the invaluable support these groups provide to men of all ages.

“Members have a sense of pride in their group derived through mateship and the invaluable contributions they make within their local community.

“I am encouraging all Men’s Sheds in eastern Victoria looking for funding to upgrade their facility or equipment to submit an application.”

Shedders requiring advocacy or a letter of support are encouraged to contact Ms Bath’s office on 5174 7066 or email

Applications close 16 October. More information is available online at