The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Melina Bath has spoken in parliament in support of state government funding for vital upgrades of South Gippsland Hospital in Foster.
The hospital – built in the 1950s – is seeking $1.6 million from the current round of the Regional Health Infrastructure Fund for upgrades to maternity and theatre facilities.
“The current proposal includes the use of new technologies to ensure that local community members have access to safe, affordable care at South Gippsland Hospital, and avoid the cost and time burden of travelling to Melbourne or a regional hospital,” Ms Bath said.
“Having recently toured the hospital, I observed the less than perfect conditions staff, doctors and patients have to cope with.”
“Though I cannot actually recall the event, the theatre remains virtually unchanged from when I was born there 50 years ago!”
“While patient health and safety is not compromised, patients waiting for and recuperating from operations are only metres away from the birthing suite, separated by a thin dividing wall.”
The Nationals Member for Gippsland South Danny O’Brien said the South Gippsland Hospital is in desperate need of an upgrade.
“I have previously written to the Minister for Health Jill Hennessy lobbying for funding to undertake the extension,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The hospital lacks a dedicated post-operative recovery area, has no consulting rooms and the maternity wing is cramped and needs to be expanded.”
“This is an important project for the Foster and District community and I call on the Andrews Labor Government to support this extension as a matter of priority.”