Sporting clubs in Latrobe City can now apply for a share in around $500,000 in VicHealth funding to get more Victorians active and playing sport.
The latest round of VicHealth’s Active Club Grants, which are now open, provides funding of up to $3,000 or up to $10,000 to community sport clubs to create more opportunities for women and girls to play sport as well as social or modified sport options.
The Nationals Member for Eastern Victoria Region Melina Bath is encouraging local clubs to apply for the funding to help them create more opportunities for Latrobe City residents to become more active and improve their health.
“This is about making grassroots sports more accessible to Latrobe City locals, so everyone can get involved in the sports they love,” Ms Bath said.
“We want everyone to get active and embrace a healthy lifestyle, regardless of their age, gender or ability.
Ms Bath said that Latrobe sport and recreation clubs recently had success in the last round of funding with a number of clubs taking a share of the grants.
“Traralgon and District Pony Club, Traralgon Rovers Hockey Club and Traralgon West Cricket Club were all successful in the last round of applications,” she said.
“Our local clubs work hard to improve the health and wellbeing of our community. I encourage clubs to apply for a grant so we can support you to become more active.”
Clubs applying for Active Club Grants funding can also request an additional $2,000 grant to promote VicHealth’s This Girl Can – Victoria campaign to encourage women in their local community to get active.
Clubs are encouraged to apply for the funding grants through the VicHealth website before round one closes at 4pm on Friday 30 August 2019.
For further information or to apply online, visit