One year on: Labor missing on Con Games promises

Thursday, 18 July marks a year since the shock cancellation of the Commonwealth Games yet legacy projects promised for the Latrobe Valley are no closer to materialising.

The games cancellation cost Victorian taxpayers $600 million.

The Nationals’ Member for Eastern Victoria, Melina Bath criticised the Allan Labor Government for “leaving communities in the dark”.

“One year on from the games cancellation, Labor’s lack of transparency on the promised legacy projects is deeply troubling,” Ms Bath said.

“Gippslanders were promised sporting and housing legacy projects, but without any details or delivery timeframes locals are justified in thinking this is another con job.

“On 18 July 2023, Labor committed to ‘sit down with councils and communities to plan the next steps’, it’s 12 months later and the state government’s silence is deafening.

“The Latrobe Valley desperately needs social and affordable housing as well as private development – I have written to the Minister for Housing demanding an update.”

Member for Morwell, Martin Cameron, said it was incumbent on Labor to take swift action and deliver the promised legacy projects.

“There is a complete lack of accountability and regard for the reputational damage caused to our region, as well as lost opportunities for athletes, tourism, businesses, and civic pride”, he said.

“The Allan Labor Government is good at making promises but even better at breaking them; our community deserves answers and action.”

A member of the Upper House Select Inquiry into 2026 Commonwealth Games Bid, Ms Bath said the Committee was preparing to reset after release of the Interim report in April.

“Upcoming hearings will be crucial for obtaining answers regarding promised housing, sporting, and community infrastructure projects in Latrobe Valley and Gippsland,” she said.

“Labor’s blatant secrecy is unacceptable – government Ministers and agencies claiming immunity and refusing to cooperate with the Inquiry is a slap in the face to regional Victorians.

“Labor can’t manage money, can’t manage the Commonwealth Games and Victorians are paying the price.”

The interim report can be read here: