Melina BATH (Eastern Victoria) (09:41): I mark the sad passing of Mrs Shirley McKerrow OAM, a trailblazer, rural and regional champion and breaker of glass ceilings. From 1975 to 1976 she was junior vice-president of the National Party. From 1976 to 1980 she was the state president of the Victorian Nationals, the first woman to serve as a state president of any political party. From 1981 to 1987 she was the federal president of the Nationals, the first female to be elected to such a position in any major political party in Australia. In a full and wholesome life, Shirley had strong connections to her community through sport, social, childcare, health and cultural activities. Notably, she served on the Gisborne bush nursing hospital committee in its formative years. She is survived by Dianne, Lachlan, Ian and Sally. She has made amazing contributions both in her community and to our beloved party. Vale, Shirley McKerrow.