The Nationals Melina Bath has hosted Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run volunteers, Alf and Stella Vella at State Parliament to launch the 25th Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run and celebrate National Volunteer Week 2024.
Speaking in State Parliament, Ms Bath who is the Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Volunteers described Alf and Stella Vella as Gippsland royalty, paying tribute to their tireless and dedicated contribution to disadvantaged children in Gippsland.
“Each year over 2000 children benefit from Alf and Stella’s volunteerism, receiving a Christmas gift generously donated by local industries, businesses, sporting clubs and individuals,” said Ms Bath.
“Alf and Stella represent everything that is great in Gippsland – they are warm, empathetic, motivated, highly respected, and much-loved members of our community.
“Coordinating the Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run keeps this Yallourn North couple busy for nine months of the year but with cost-of-living pressures impacting many families, the need is growing. “On behalf of thousands of Gippsland children, I say thank you.
“The theme for National Volunteer Week this year is “Something for Everyone” and Alf and Stella truly embody this mantra.”
Ms Bath said each and everyday volunteers generously donate their time and talents, making a positive difference in our communities.
“Whether it’s delivering emergency services, caring for our environment, fundraising, coaching, or providing social support, our volunteers are the heart and soul of community.
“Our volunteers help keep us connected – and their combined efforts make us all happier and healthier.
“The State of Volunteering report tells us in 2019 our hardworking volunteers contributed an incredible $58.1 billion worth of benefits across Victoria – that’s an impressive record!
“National Volunteer Week is traditionally a time where we collectively say thank you and publicly recognise volunteers who often fly under the radar.
“During National Volunteers Week 2024, I applaud the ongoing enrichment all our volunteers make to all our lives.